Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

BeBeRaPa GaMeS Online

Point blank adalah games yang muncul di 2010
game ini layaknya seperti bermain C.S
kamu dapat bermain dengan banyak pilihan
ada death mach, bomb mision DLL

coba dan mainkan game PoiNT BlaNK

Game ini pasti sudah sering kamu liat
game DoTa. game ini seperti perang
hanya saja menggunakan teknik " permainan
game ini juga bisa online dan offline
jadi bagi kamu yang ga bisa online di rumah
bisa main yang offline melawan AI

mungkin beberapa dari kamu belum tau
game rohan, rohan adalah game petualang
yg dapat bermain, jualan, ataupun perang.
sulit dijelaskan dengan kata"
langsung saja coba mainkan

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Mini Guide Zeus

Punished for assisting the Sentinel in their mortal struggle, Zeus was exiled by the Gods and stripped of much of his power. Even in his weakened form, his lightning attacks are nothing to trifle with. He has spells that damage both single and multiple units, making him a very specialized caster.


Zeus - The Lord of Olympia
Range: 350 | | Move Speed: 290 | Primary: INT
Str: 19 + 1.8 | Agi: 15 + 1.7 | Int: 20 + 2.7
Damage: 41 - 49 | HP: 511 | Mana: 260
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 0.81
Attack Speed: 1.44 (+ 15% IAS) | Armor: 3.1

Level 1 Lord of Olympia

HP: 511/511
MP: 260/260

DMG: 41 - 49 ARMOR: 3.1 STR: 19 AGL: 15 INT: 20

Hero Attributes:
-Each point increases hit points by 19
-Each point increases hit point regen
Strength per level: 1.8
Hit point regen: 0.82 hp/sec

-Every 7 points increase armor by 1
-Each point increases attack speed by 1%
Agility per level: 1.7

- Primary Attribute
-Each point increases damage by 1
-Each point increases mana by 13
-Each point increases mana regen
Intelligence per level: 2.7
Mana regen: 0.81 mana/sec

Kelebihan :
- Skill nya yang berdamage besar
- Mempunyai ulti yang damagenya besar dan global

Kekurangan :
- Bergantung kepada skill
- Harus mempunyai mana yang banyak
- Item harus jadi

Arc Lightning

Hurls a bolt of arcing energy that laces through many nearby enemy units.

Level 1 - Arcs 5 times, deals 85 damage.
Level 2 - Arcs 7 times, deals 100 damage.
Level 3 - Arcs 9 times, deals 115 damage.
Level 4 - Arcs 15 times, deals 130 damage.
Mana Cost: 65/ 72/ 79/ 86
Cooldown: 2

Lightning Bolt

Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike a target enemy.

Level 1 - Deals 100 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 175 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 275 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 350 damage.
Mana Cost: 75/ 95/ 115/ 135
Cooldown: 6

Static Field

Whenever Zeus casts a spell, he will shock enemy heroes within 800 AoE a % of their current HP

Level 1 - Shocks for 5% of current hit points.
Level 2 - Shocks for 7% of current hit points.
Level 3 - Shocks for 9% of current hit points.
Level 4 - Shocks for 11% of current hit points.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A

Thundergod's Wrath

Strike down all non-invisible enemy heroes with bolts of lightning.
Will reveal an area of around 500 AoE to all enemy heroes.

Level 1 - Deals 210 (335 with Scepter) damage.
Level 2 - Deals 335 (460 with Scepter) damage.
Level 3 - Deals 460 (570 with Scepter) damage.
Mana Cost: 225/ 350/ 450
Cooldown: 120

Skill build :
Lvl 1 Lightning bolt
Lvl 2 Static field
Lvl 3 Lighning bolt
Lvl 4 Static field
Lvl 5 Lightning bolt
Lvl 6 Thundergod's wrath
Lvl 7 Lightning bolt
Lvl 8 Static field
Lvl 9 Statis field
Lvl 10 Arc lightning
Lvl 11 Thundergod's wrath
Lvl 12 Arc lightning
Lvl 13 Arc lightning
Lvl 14 Arc lightning
Lvl 15 Stats
Lvl 16 Thundergod's wrath
Lvl 17 Stats
Lvl 18 Stats
Lvl 19 Stats
Lvl 20 Stats
Lvl 21 Stats
Lvl 22 Stats
Lvl 23 Stats
Lvl 24 Stats
Lvl 25 Stats


Lvl 1 Lightning bolt
Lvl 2 Arc lightning
Lvl 3 Lightning bolt
Lvl 4 Arc lightning
Lvl 5 Lightning bolt
Lvl 6 Thundergod's wrath
Lvl 7 Lightning bolt
Lvl 8 Arc lightning
Lvl 9 Arc lightning
Lvl 10 Static field
Lvl 11 Thundergod's wrath
Lvl 12 Static field
Lvl 13 Static field
Lvl 14 Static field
Lvl 15 Stats
Lvl 16 Thundergod's wrath
Lvl 17 Stats
Lvl 18 Stats
Lvl 19 Stats
Lvl 20 Stats
Lvl 21 Stats
Lvl 22 Stats
Lvl 23 Stats
Lvl 24 Stats
Lvl 25 Stats

Item Build
- Aganim
- Guinso
- Shiva's Guard
- Arcane
- Blood Stone


- Blood Stone
- Guinso
- Refreshser Orb
- Eye Of Skadi
- Dagon

Warcraft Frozen Throne

Instant Win - allyourbasearebelongtous
Instant Loss - somebodysetusupthebomb
View map
- iseedeadpeople
Continue after death
- strengthandhonor
Units do not need farms - pointbreak
Instant spell
- thedudeabides
Turn off Tech-Tree
- synergy
Turn off Victory
- itvexesme
Invulnerability - whosyourdaddy
Gain # of Lumber
- leafittome #
Lumber and Gold
- greedisgood #
Gold - keysersoze #
Level select
- motherland [race] [level]
Instant doom - iocainepowder
Quick research
- whoisjohngalt
Research all upgrades
- sharpandshiny
Morning - riseandshine
Infinite mana
- thereisnospoon
Daytime - daylightsavings <1-24>
- lightsout
Time Passes
- daylightsavings
Fast Build
- warpten
No Trees - abrakadabra
L10 Allied Units
- ihavethepower

Mini Guide Luna Moonfang

Who is Luna Moonfang

Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune.
She fights alongside the Sentinel in the neverending battle to cleanse the land of the unholy Scourge. Through her valiant efforts, she has been granted small portions of Elune's mystical power. Luna uses this gift to cut a swath through her enemies.
It has been said that Luna is able to call down the very light of the moon, and is always surrounded by a glowing aura, as though in moonlight herself.
Luna is a shining beacon for the Sentinel, an ever vigilant protector.

Luna Moonfang ( Moon Rider )

Range: 330 | Move Speed: 320
Primary: AGI
Str: 15 + 1.75 | Agi: 22 + 2.8 | Int: 16 + 1.85
Damage: 33 – 39 | HP: 435 | Mana: 208
HP Regen: 0.7 | Mana Regen: 0.65
Attack Speed: 1.33 | Armor: 3

Kelebihan :
- Skill yang cukup sakit untuk 1 by 1 or 1 by 4
- Skill yang membuat hero musuh kewalahan untuk mengatasinya
- Skill yang dapat membuat senjatanya mengenai creep / hero yang lain

Kekurangan :
- Hero jarak jauh yang rangenya kecil
- Skill yang mudah dihindari
- Hp yang lembek dan memudahkan hero membunuhnya

Lucent Beam (C)

Luna concentrates on the moon`s energy and channels it forcefully to the surface, damaging an enemy unit.

Level 1 - 75 damage.
Level 2 - 150 damage.
Level 3 - 225 damage.
Level 4 - 300 damage.
Mana Cost: 95/ 110/ 125/ 140
Cooldown: 7
Comment: An average nuke with good range and cooldown. Use to harass or for the finishing blow.

Moon Glaive (G)

Allows Luna to attack extra enemies with each Glaive attack. Each enemy struck beyond the first incurs a 40% damage loss, per unit.

Level 1 - Luna hits 2 enemies with every attack.
Level 2 - Luna hits 3 enemies with every attack.
Level 3 - Luna hits 4 enemies with every attack.
Level 4 - Luna hits 5 enemies with every attack.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Comment: Similar to cleaving in use, allows you to weaken other enemies while attacking one unit, making it easier to farm/push. Gets better as your damage increases.

Lunar Blessing (L)

Nearby ranged units gain the power of the moon.

Level 1 - Increases base ranged damage by 6%.
Level 2 - Increases base ranged damage by 13%.
Level 3 - Increases base ranged damage by 20%.
Level 4 - Increases base ranged damage by 27%.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Comment: Boosts damage of ranged allies. Doesn't do much early game, provides some damage boost later.

Eclipse (E)

Calls to the moon`s magic, summoning a concentrated burst of Lucent Beams to damage targets around Luna.

Level 1 - Summons 4 Lucent Beams.
Level 2 - Summons 7 Lucent Beams.
Level 3 - Summons 10 Lucent Beams.
Mana Cost: 120
Cooldown: 100
Comment: A defining skill of Luna, Insane theoretical damage and good cooldown. Almost anyone would fear a solo encounter when this isn't in cooldown.

Skill Build :

Lvl 1 Lucent Beam
Lvl 2 Moon Glaive
Lvl 3 Lucent Beam
Lvl 4 Moon Glaive
Lvl 5 Lucent Beam
Lvl 6 Moon Glaive
Lvl 7 Lucent Beam
Lvl 8 Moon Glaive
Lvl 9 Stats
Lvl 10 Eclipse
Lvl 11 Eclipse
Lvl 12 Lunar Blessing
Lvl 13 Lunar Blessing
Lvl 14 Lunar Blessing
Lvl 15 Lunar Blessing
Lvl 16 Eclipse
Lvl 17 Stats
Lvl 18 Stats
Lvl 19 Stats
Lvl 20 Stats
Lvl 21 Stats
Lvl 22 Stats
Lvl 23 Stats
Lvl 24 Stats
Lvl 25 Stats


Lvl 1 Lucent Beam
Lvl 2 Stats
Lvl 3 Lucent Beam
Lvl 4 Stats
Lvl 5 Lucent Beam
Lvl 6 Eclipse
Lvl 7 Lucent Beam
Lvl 8 Stats
Lvl 9 Stats
Lvl 10 Stats
Lvl 11 Eclipse
Lvl 12 Lunar Blessing
Lvl 13 Lunar Blessing
Lvl 14 Lunar Blessing
Lvl 15 Lunar Blessing
Lvl 16 Eclipse
Lvl 17 Stats
Lvl 18 Stats
Lvl 19 Stats
Lvl 20 Stats
Lvl 21 Stats
Lvl 22 Moon Glaive
Lvl 23 Moon Glaive
Lvl 24 Moon Glaive
Lvl 25 Moon Glaive

Item Build
- Power Threads ( agi )
- Butterfly
- Butterfly
- Lothar Edge
- Helm of Dominator or Satanic
- Aganim


- Boots of Travel
- Butterfly
- Butterfly
- Heart of Tarrasque
- Aganim
- Helm Of Dominator